Brain Wellness and Neuroscience
Brain health and wellness has experienced the most significant advances in the last 25 years due to the emergence of neuroscience, brain wellness programs, and brain imaging technology. Research has shown that 8 out of 10 patients treated for a psychiatric condition will have their diagnosis significantly altered and/or changed altogether after gleaning the information from brain imaging technology.
The Brain Wellness Program, developed by Neurogistics, is specifically designed as an all-natural approach in treating depression, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, sleep disturbances, post-partum depression, PMS, PTSD, lack of energy, difficulty with concentration/focusing and stress. It is neuroscience’s informed, holistic, integrative, and all-natural way of assessing neurotransmitter (brain chemistry) imbalances. The program provides an individual protocol which includes a neurotransmitter lab test, a personalized brain wellness report with recommendations, and progress monitoring to support and bring about mental, physical, and emotional health. Our staff has members who are certified providers of the Neurogistics Brain Wellness Program.
The Amen Clinic Method is a multidisciplinary approach to mental and physical health that represents a true paradigm shift in the treatment of biological, psychological, social and spiritual influences to create an individualized, targeted treatment plan for each client.
SPECT Images of the brain provide extraordinarily valuable insight, leading to better-targeted treatment and success. As an Amen Professional Center, Spanish River Counseling Center has a staff member directly trained under Dr. Daniel Amen at the Amen Clinic in California. We are able to make referrals for our clients to obtain SPECT scans as well as review scan results and provide additional assessments, when necessary.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects nearly every aspect of a person’s life. ADD has been associated with underachievement in school, family conflict, drug abuse, legal difficulties, and poor work performance.
We regularly assist clients with tools that assess the possibility of overall ADD/ADHD and determine which of the seven types of ADD/ADHD a client has. This allows us to make personalized treatment recommendations based on a specific brain type. We often are asked to consult with our ADD clients’ medical doctor, nutritionist, employer, or educators in developing a successful ADD treatment plan.
Brain health plays a vital role in addiction treatment and recovery. Living a sober life is even more difficult for the recovering person, struggling with a yet unknown brain issue such as ADD, brain trauma, depression, or anxiety. When clients see evidence of poor brain health from scan results, they are more inclined to improve their lifestyles and overall health to support successful recovery and healing.
Assessment and treatment of underlying brain problems significantly increase success in addiction treatment.
There are many reasons why a person may experience anxiety or depression for a period of time, but with support, re-stabilize without the recurrence and/or debilitating symptoms of a brain-based, clinically diagnosed anxiety or depressive disorder.
Spanish River Counseling Services uses several diagnostic tools including acquiring a detailed personal history, a list of past traumas and successes, diet and exercise habits, stress level, education and career history, and all previous treatments and their outcomes.
Behavioral problems, such as defiance, aggression, impulsive tendencies, compulsive behaviors, and irritability are sometimes symptoms of an unhealthy brain. When adequately treated, however, a person can show significant improvement.
If someone has tried again and again to help behavioral issues with no improvement, it is especially important to understand the possible implications related to brain health.
Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are methods of measuring the brain’s electrical activities in order to provide clients with the tools needed to break free from unhealthy patterns, such as chronic anxiety, panic, memory, and sleep problems.
Clients will learn how to replicate good brain patterns that are helpful for brain health and brain growth – both for working and relaxing. They will have the opportunity to see and feel unmistakable results of healthy brain patterns which, through practice, can result in a host of benefits and overall better mental clarity.
Bipolar Disorder results in unusual and often dramatic ups and downs in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out routine tasks. There is no single cause of Bipolar Disorder, but it does run in families. Many with bipolar disorder “self-medicate” using alcohol, illicit drugs, as well as behavioral “acting out,” which impacts family, friends, and often employment. PTSD, social phobia, and ADD often co-occur with bipolar spectrum disorders. SPECT scans show that the brains of people with bipolar disorder have a number of unique features when compared to scans of those who do not.
The Brain Wellness Program has proven to be very successful in treating symptoms of PTSD, including nightmares, disturbing memories, and hyper-vigilance. SPECT scans can reveal other co-occurring issues and confirm brain activity patterns to inform treatment decisions.
We have found that PTSD clients suffering emotional pain and shame are significantly helped once they view their SPECT scans and affirm that their symptoms and behaviors are not imaginary, but the physiological impact of trauma on their brain.
Obsessions are recurring ideas, thoughts, images, or impulses that seem senseless but continue to intrude into a person’s mind, such as images of violent acts against others, fears of leaving the lights on or leaving doors unlocked. Clients recognize these thoughts and fears are irrational and try to suppress them, but without success.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often accompanied by depression as unhealthy obsessions tend to come and go with depression. Many cases are reported to have begun in adolescence and young adulthood, but about half start in childhood. The causes are unclear, but some evidence suggests a deficiency in the neurotransmitters known as serotonin. Many sufferers have seen improvement when taking prescription medications to balance serotonin levels. Other useful treatment strategies include behavioral modification strategies
Through our Brain Wellness Program and Amen Method Provisions, we can assist in identifying how the level of a person’s hormone imbalances affect energy, moods, focus, concentration, and libido. Clients have significantly improved the quality of their life and relationships as a result of hormone assessment and appropriate therapy. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, DHEA, and adrenal hormones all have critical roles in a person’s functioning. We are happy to consult with your healthcare providers in support of your well being.