Mental Health, Addictions and Recovery
Many of our clients struggle with mental health, addiction and recovery issues. The weight of these challenges can significantly effect every aspect of a person’s life. We understand those struggles. Our professionals are ready to help clients navigate through these challenges to settle at a more manageable, healthy place. Lasting change and insight into how these issues impact many other areas of life are important in this process.
People who suffer from mental health disorders often suffer from substance, alcohol, or drug addiction, as well. This condition is called a “co-occurring disorder” or “dual-diagnosis.” If the underlying mental health concern is not recognized and treated successfully, it can negatively affect a person’s ability to live a clean and sober life.
Many clients come to our counseling center to seek help in breaking the cycle of pornography use and addiction for themselves or for someone they love. Pornography has a tremendously negative impact on relationships. We understand the pain it can cause and have helped many clients rebuild trust and intimacy. It takes time and deliberate work, but we know there is hope for change, freedom, and healing
Gambling addiction is an impulse control disorder. Compulsive gamblers cannot control their desire to gamble, even knowing it is hurting them and their loved ones. Problem gambling is any gambling behavior that disrupts one’s life. If an individual is preoccupied with the activity, spends excessive time engaged in it, chases losses, or experiences conflict with others regarding it, then he or she has a problem.
Cutting and other forms of self-harm are signs of a much deeper issue and can affect men and women of all ages and backgrounds. Clients often relate to one of two general categories: those who use cutting to distract themselves from emotional pain, and those who have become numb to pain and use cutting to feel again.
Abuse of substances such as alcohol, drugs, and food can have powerful grips on people’s lives. Clients who are bound by these addictive behaviors often have a history of unsuccessful attempts to stop, creating an expectation of failure and general sense of hopelessness. An important key to experiencing freedom from substance abuse is for clients to realize their unmet needs and learn to meet those needs in healthier ways.
Family members are often forgotten in the field of addiction treatment. Growing up, they may have experienced an addicted parent or watched as focused attention went to siblings with addictions. These family systems are often a breeding ground that leads to the issues of codependency and symptoms related to what is known as “Adult Children.” For example, they may have adopted the role of “hero child” in an attempt to compensate for the pain and shame they experienced. To protect themselves, they may have chosen to withdraw to stay out of harm. Often, a child may become a performance-oriented perfectionist or people-pleaser who avoids conflict and tends to feel disrespected in relationships. Adult clients who grew up in such environments, though functional and successful, often secretly feel like children. They are unable to set clear boundaries, face confrontation, and overcome the shame of their past
It is our desire to see men and women free from compulsive sexual behavior and addiction. Our highly experienced, licensed, and board certified addiction counselors and sex therapists will help clients deal with root issues and develop a productive means to address them. We have helped hundreds of clients experience a healthy sexual relationship within their marriage as God intends.
Whether using a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone, internet use can interfere with a person’s daily life, work, and relationships. It may include playing games, gambling, compulsively checking one’s smart phone, social networking, online shopping, stock trading, or viewing pornography. Therapy has proven to be very successful in helping people manage their internet use by teaching them ways to cope with the uncomfortable emotions often associated with addictions, such as stress, anxiety, or depression.
When someone is dealing with a friend or loved one who has an addiction problem, he or she should talk to someone safe. It is equally important that they avoid dangerous situations and self blame. They can share their concerns with their loved one, offering him or her support without judgment, but should keep in mind that addicts may continue to deny or minimize their problems. Threats, bribes, and preaching are not helpful. He or she should steer clear of emotional appeals which may increase an addict’s guilt and compulsion to use. Taking on the addict’s responsibilities or bailing them out may decrease their sense of worth and dignity, furthering their shame and self-contempt. If someone is under the influence, they should refuse to argue with them.