7 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent

7 Signs of a Narcissistic Parent

Were you raised by a narcissistic parent? If you or someone you know was raised by a narcissistic parent, it can have lasting psychological impacts, but counseling can help. Good parenting requires empathy, compassion, and prioritizing the needs of your children. Narcissistic parents struggle to allow their children to develop their own identities and have their needs met. Here are some common signs of narcissistic parenting:

1. Viewing the child as a source of validation: Narcissistic parents often flaunt their children's achievements for their own validation and ignore their child's other needs.

2. Emotional reactivity and shaming: Narcissistic parents can become angry and aggressive when disappointed, and they may shame their child for expressing emotions or being critical.

3. Putting their own needs first: Narcissistic parents expect their children to make sacrifices to fulfill their desires or hobbies, disregarding their child's needs.

4. Poor boundaries: Intrusive behavior, interrupting their child's activities, asking probing questions, or making critical comments can be characteristic of narcissistic parents.

5. Playing favorites: Narcissistic parents may favor one child over others, causing discomfort, disloyalty, and an unsafe environment for the non-favored child.

6. Shifting blame: Narcissistic parents avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes and instead blame their children, often with cruel comments that can deeply affect them.

7. Expecting the child to be the caregiver: Narcissistic parents may impose the role of caretaker on their child, even at a young age, and continue to expect care and support in adulthood.

Being the victim of narcissistic parenting as a child can cause developmental trauma. This can lead to negative impacts as an adult in thoughts, emotions, and the nervous system. If you think you may be suffering from mental health challenges that could be rooted in having a narcissistic parent, counseling can help.

— Jason Beaupied, LMHC, MFT


Durvasala, R. (2022, September 5). A psychologist shares the 7 signs of a narcissistic parent: ‘It’s a toxic way to raise your kids.’ CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/05/a-psychologist-shares-the-signs-of-a-narcissistic-parent-its-a-toxic-way-to-raise-your-kids.html


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