Finding your True Worth

God created all people to be seen, heard, and valued. We are all worthy of experiencing these things from others around us.  But the truth is that in this world “we will have trouble” and often experience just the opposite from family, community, and friends.  When we are not seen, heard, and valued as God intended and experience the opposite, we often start to believe we are at fault and not worthy of love or not good enough or a failure — for example. These lies often lead us to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and allowing others to abuse us.  

We provide a process to help our clients identify the experiences that led to the lies they believe. We help them reframe their experiences and release the pain and hurt. Clients who have processed past experiences with us in this manner have experienced freedom and healing that has eluded them for years. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, substance abuse, or keep ending up in dead-end relationships, join us for a new journey and a fresh look at how you too can experience hope, healing, and freedom through the curriculum, “Making Sense of Your Worth.”

— Carrie Ellis, L.M.H.C.


I Don’t Want to Be a Burden


It’s All in the Tone. Do You Sound the Way You’d Like or Intend?