Positive Emotions Undo Negative Emotions

Have you ever experienced emotional pain and struggle? I believe that we can experience genuine and sincere positive emotions that can make coping with/combating negative or unpleasant emotions much easier to manage. I also believe that “Positive emotions undo negative emotions”.  Have you ever been upset and smiled anyway? When you do this long enough it actually tricks your brain into being happy! I have heard of this, I have tried it and it works. I do not remember where it came from, but I feel that it is a good thing to share, so that others can try it. I encourage my clients to try it in session and they too begin to laugh; especially when I ask them to see themselves in the mirror as they smile. One of the things that help to be more positive is to keep a positive/gratitude or prayer journal. When we look back at the journal we can see God’s hand, especially in the difficult moments.

The scripture that comes to mind is, Colossians 3:15, which says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (NIV). As we practice being thankful, it also brings joy into our lives helping us to be more positive and happier.

Watch this short video for more information!

— Dr. Norma S. Shearin, Ph. D., L.M.H.C.


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Attention or Connection