
We need to realize that when two people or more are together, there will be some kind of disagreement or conflict at some point or another. Therefore, talking about it before it happens or as you sense it happening would be a good method to come to an agreement on how to handle it. Being open and honest about the way that conflict will be handled can give the person an expectation and sets a tone on how to deal with disagreements.

The scripture that comes to my mind is Proverbs 15:1, which reads, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (NIV). We can always approach each other with a kind gentle word to make sure that things remain calm and remind ourselves that as disagreements happen, we can still be cordial as we talk about them.

— Dr. Norma Shearin, PhD, LMHC


Psychological Theories


“But” and It’s Implied Meaning