
Self-perception is the idea we have of ourselves, our characteristics, and the assessments we have of those characteristics. We are all flawed in certain areas of our lives and we tend to self-evaluate, for some of us, it is mostly at an unconscious level. Have you ever done a self-evaluation? It can be difficult to do self-evaluations and look back at who we were before Christ and who we are not. It takes real focus and effort to be able to self-evaluate without having a bias.  How old were you when you became aware of your self-concept?

We need to remember whose we are, not just who we are. We belong to an amazing God who paid an expensive and painful price for us when Jesus went to the cross to bring us to Himself. We need to remember that in Him, we are now a new creation and there is no more condemnation as we forgive ourselves and let go of our negative self-perceptions.

The scripture that comes to mind is Psalm 139:14, which says "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (NIV).  God is amazing and He made us special and unique.  We should always remember that well.

— Dr. Norma S. Shearin, Ph. D., L.M.H.C.

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